Access the power of Sexual Kung Fu and meditations, explorations, and esoteric exercises for self love.
You deserve to Love Deeply and Be Loved magnificently. Here in this class you will access the first and foremost form of Love. That from the self. All the while harnessing and cultivating your transformative life force sexual energy with a brotherhood and myself.

JOIN THE BRO DOJO | $404-499

A 90 Day Transformative Journey for MEN.

"Harness your energy + cultivate brotherhood: where men evolve together."

A sacred space where men come together to train their full potential, harness their energy, and cultivate brotherhood. In this transformative 90-day journey, we dive deep into the ancient practices of Qi Gong, Sexual Kung Fu, and meaningful relational discussions, empowering men to evolve on every level.



Conversations on returning to the root of who we are.

Streaming on most popular platforms and on YOUTUBE.


Wild Naked and Free | $11/month

**Adult Content NSFW**

Naked Breath Work, Movement, Warrior-ship, Sex Kung Fu, Nature Therapy

Teaching humans how to embody your vessel through love, grow your genitalia (Men), increase vitality + confidence + testosterone, reverse ED & porn addictions, all while becoming a quantum creation machine through sexual transmutation practices and ancient wisdoms!

Ultimately, this content is to empower you back to your essence, authenticity and intentional love of Self & the world!

Increase Testosterone | $0.00

This guide will grant you the awareness, tools and practicalities of boosting testosterone and balancing hormones - safely - in your body.

Safely Soak Up the Sun | $0.00

Safely soak up all of the beautiful and healthy nutrients the Sun has to offer! No more need to fear the loving energy of the Sun because you will learn more history from ancient cultures, why people ACTUALLY burn and how to live in harmony with our friendly ball of light.

Nourish, Detoxify, Repair | $12/Day

The Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation is EXACTLY that. I ONLY support and promote products that I absolutely believe in and consume myself. Ive been supporting my life with these foods for the last 4 years and cannot recommend them enough for people who want to lose weight, build muscle, detoxify from harmful compounds, balance hormones, have a complete metabolic reset or all of the above and so much more!

This program specifically is a 90 day journey nourishing oneself with four separate superfoods about twice a day. This is satiating, nourishing, detoxifying and supports the body to come back to its normal balance.

Send me an email if you'd like to talk more or have questions, I will be supporting you throughout the journey as well.

Self Pleasure Sundays | $25/class

Join Will Blunderfield and JP Kingston in a naked kundalini-awakening class!

Practice consists of cultivating high levels of energy through the systematic process of arousal. Tools of breathing and mindfulness are then utilized to circulate that energy throughout the body and brain. Weekly Sunday class on Zoom 10:30am pst.

“It’s dearmoring, and it’s breaking down the barriers between gay and straight and bi, and just becoming real men. Real men that are in this shit together. And it’s also breaking down the barriers between competition and comparison. There’s too much comparison which is keeping people weak, and there’s too much competition on the back of that.” – Silver Storic



Use this short and simple breathwork practice to prepare the body, mind and spirit for a sexual energy activation.

JPKEXPERIENCE Exclusive Telegram Channel

A place to converse about Esoteric Health, Lifestyle & Sexual Energy Transmutation/Sexual Kung Fu.


All access to the full on promotional deals on upcoming events!


Yup, this guide is for plumping up your pearls to be grounded, healthy, strong and full of vitality.

You will learn simple ancient practices that will help you fill up those nuts and be able to move Life Force Energy.



Learn how to "Pack Chi" the vital life force energy that allows all of our glands, organs, cells and more to operate with greater ease and flow. You will pack on muscle yes, but you will also pack on a defense system from all of the bullshit that you never want invading your essence.

**These are FOUNDATIONAL for a Sexual Kung Fu Practice.**